
Showing posts from October, 2011

Thunder Lightening and the End of the world!

She was in the kitchen and her mother had just come to ask her to do something, her mom said something and went back to the bedroom. Just as her mom walked out of the kitchen, she heard thunder and turned her head to look out the window… She saw an unbelievable sight, thunder clouds were as low as her second floor window and far into the horizon she could see the sun shining, but the clouds were talking over really fast and they were rumbling and screaming and there was lightening. The darkness was talking over She turned around and called after her mother ‘Ma!’ she was frightened, she wanted to be with her mother, tell her there’s nothing to worry about and to hear the same! But as she walked towards the door she heard the biggest rumble and turned around to look back at the clouds and she saw it began to rain but when she looked closely it wasn’t water they were icicles. The angry, dark clouds were showering icicles and as she stood mesmerized by the enormity of the situation, eve