
Showing posts from 2024

The clothes in the balcony

One evening, I noticed that my neighbor’s windows were closed, which was unusual. They typically left them open, even when they were out. Their father and stepmother lived across the street, so I wasn't overly concerned. The next morning, I noticed their laundry hanging out to dry. It remained there for several days. Coincidentally, around the same time, I learned that the family had moved to the U.S. It was strange to see the laundry still hanging in the balcony, seemingly forgotten. It was as if the owners had left in such a hurry that they hadn't even considered packing or removing their clothes. The laundry, hanging there day after day, seemed to symbolize a forgotten life, a piece of the past left behind. I couldn't help but wonder how long the clothes would remain there. Would the owners ever return? Or would someone else take them down and put them away? For days, I observed the laundry, feeling a mix of sadness and helplessness. The fact that the owners had seemingl