Strange Time

It’s a strange time to go out to the beach with the family, like who goes for a picnic to the beach after sunset? Oh well what I can say I come from The Addam’s Family! We’re all stuffed in our car and driving to the beach, there are too many people here, why does half the city want to come to the beach at this hour? Oh damn! I just noticed a whole bunch of people I know, I think I’ll just avoid eye contact and no one will come over to say hi to me.

I can’t see the water from here; did someone say the beach is further away? Oh shoot I have to walk up to the water then. The sand feels really cool and smooth under my feet I think that’s the best thing about a beach the sand, its soft and moulds under you foot and takes the shape that makes you most comfortable.
There are too many people I know, are they all waiting or something to happen? Looks like there’s a party going on, no body invited me to this party! Fine I’ll just ignore everyone and head out the water, I’d like to take a walk along the shore, and it’ll make me feel lighter. The breeze on beaches is lovely, it’s so refreshing, and maybe one should just live on a beach.

Whoa this looks familiar, I’ve been here before on a different night, I think that night was chaotic as well, too much was happening too soon, today again I feel the same restlessness.  Something is going to happen I don’t know what. I know this hill of sand I get down from here and there’ll be the beach I know this place, but why is climbing this sand hill so difficult why am I a out of breath it’s just a hill, not like I’m that out of shape!

Finally water! Oh wait what is this? this doesn’t look like a beach? What happened to the beach this place looks like a lake! But hell no it was a beach when I was here last! Where did these hills come from is that water? Where are the waves? why are there no waves? This place looks like a scene from the movie!

A moonlight lake, surrounded by mountains, mountains of sand, and a sky that’s illuminated by a bright moon like there’s a bulb on in the sky and its lit up the dark world. Its so beautiful I could sit by this lake all night but there are too many people around, why are there so many people it feels like I’m at a public pool. I don’t like the rush!

I climb another hill to be able to see the water but before I reach the top I can see the mountains around go down one by one like the earth is swallowing them up. I’m confused is there an earthquake? Why has everyone started running away? The earth beneath my feet is moving as well I think I should run away too with everyone, something is not right here and it’s scaring me.

I think of mom, I want to rush to her to tell her what’s happening, when did I last see her? She was getting things organized as I left for the beach that’s when I saw her last. I want to go to her again; she is my calm in situations as chaotic as these. But I can’t climb the hill back its falling apart people around me are running away, I look over my shoulder to scream and tell everyone to run the earth is falling apart. I keep cursing at the people who made these hills that can’t stand up straight and I notice an old man running on my right he says something to me and I start following him and when I get closer I realize he’s just showing me the way out.

As I calculate how to get to the other side I hear him say in a regretful voice; I was just here to have a good time with my grand kids. I stop to look at him.


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