
The clothes in the balcony

One evening, I noticed that my neighbor’s windows were closed, which was unusual. They typically left them open, even when they were out. Their father and stepmother lived across the street, so I wasn't overly concerned. The next morning, I noticed their laundry hanging out to dry. It remained there for several days. Coincidentally, around the same time, I learned that the family had moved to the U.S. It was strange to see the laundry still hanging in the balcony, seemingly forgotten. It was as if the owners had left in such a hurry that they hadn't even considered packing or removing their clothes. The laundry, hanging there day after day, seemed to symbolize a forgotten life, a piece of the past left behind. I couldn't help but wonder how long the clothes would remain there. Would the owners ever return? Or would someone else take them down and put them away? For days, I observed the laundry, feeling a mix of sadness and helplessness. The fact that the owners had seemingl

Smells of Istanbul - Sense II

Every city has its own smell, or so I like to believe. Something of its culture that's spread out in the air. Something that you breath in and make a part of you. Istanbul's air is full of warmth. Even when the temperatures are low the air is warm with the smells of the welcoming city.  The most distinct smell I encountered walking on the streets was the smell of Roasted Chestnuts. Chestnuts are a popular street food in Istanbul and you'll be able to find several of these carts roasting and selling them. Some of them also sell you roasted corn. The smell of that wood burning is a smell that dominates the streets, you can just smell the air and tell there's a chestnut cart close by.  Coffee is the most distinguishable smell in the air of Istanbul. It is the first fragrance you are likely to recognize the moment you land at the airport. The streets are crowded with coffeehouses and the fragrance of coffee is a constant invitation to have some.  Throughout my trip in Istan

Istanbul and the 5 senses - Sense I

To be content and joyous in life one should spend more on experiences than on materials and quantifiable items. That’s what most travel experiences begin thinking about - mine too. I heard somewhere that you are likely going to experience a different culture 100km away from yourself and I have noticed this time and again, the farther I go the more different people start sounding and behaving.  I am a keen observer of people, and getting a chance to observe them in different places is a treat for me. Everywhere I go, especially if it's beyond 100kms away from my surroundings I look for how people are different from where I come from and the differences fascinate me.  Turkey is the first country I travelled to by choice, it was an amazing experience. In Turkey I stayed in Istanbul for 7 days and during these days I experienced some of Istanbul. I’m going to talk about this experience with the help of the 5 senses and tell you what Istanbul looks like, smells like, tastes like, sounds

Street Food: Garma Garm Kachoris

 "All happiness depends on is a leisurely breakfast" They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but we all function pretty well without it. i can't really afford a leisurely breakfast every morning on weekdays like most of the others, there's too much to do and too little time early mornings, and in all the rush the poor breakfast goes down in the priority. Most of the time, I skip it all together! Yeah I know bad habit sorry! Anyway skipping to the interesting part, this weekend  I went over to my uncle's place, besides other things breakfast was on the agenda; ad he took me to a place that turned out to be serving really yummy breakfast. We had kachori that morning. Now what is kachori you may ask? A kachori is a little poori or flat bread deep fried, the difference between a poori and kachori is that the latter is filled with daal. These kachori that I had for breakfast were served with Aaloo ki sabzi (potato curry) and dahi (yoghurt). The dahi e

2020 in a few words

At the beginning of 2020 I had 2 main things on my list to do, one was to finish reading at least 40 books in the whole year; at the end of 2018 with my university and office and life I was able to read 36 books in the whole year which was the highest number of books I've ever read in a whole year, and thought of upping my game by reading at least 40. Although, I've always wanted to read 50 books a year, but really pushing myself wasn’t on the agenda so from 36 to 40 wasn’t such a big deal I could do it. But then guess what happened? Covid-19 happened and we were locked down in our houses for months, all my other entertainment outlets were closed and all I had left was a TBR list.  So I kept on reading and reading and here towards the end of the year I'm at 60 books which is now the highest number of books I've read in a year, almost 1 book a week! And that is my biggest accomplishment for the year.  Oh wait, the second thing I had planned for 2020 was taking two trips

3 Things NOT To Do To P*** Off Your Interviewer

We’ve all given interviews at some point in our lives, haven’t we? We’ve spent a considerable amount of time fretting about it, doing internet search about the company who’s looking forward to meeting us, sometimes exchanging a dozen or so emails with the recruiter to figure out what we should expect at the interview, and sometimes we even ask our friends to help us out with the answers to some of the regular questions.  Don't ever get someone else to write your resume - as lousy as you think you may be at writing a resume, you may have slept in your communication class and missed the whole lecture on an effective resume for a great job, DO NOT have someone else write it. Every time a recruiter finds discrepancies on your resume and what you say, you lose points in the interview. Although the interviewer may not comment on it but they can pick up very easily when a resume was self-written and when it was not. Here’s how the find out: (a) They’ll ask you directly or indirectly abou

Walking There

You were fair company but a bad companion. You stabbed me with your lies, in my back. While I was the only one who was ready to stand with you forever.  Was everything between us a lie? Did you ever love me at all? Did you find happiness? I hope not, I wish never. I want to see you miserable always. You are the most selfish person I've ever met, you couldn't see anyone beyond yourself. I'm glad I no longer have to see you.  You made me cry, you have made me cry so much and I was stupid enough to believe you were the reason for my happiness. You made me cry.  I've walked in the waves seeing them come and go, they are in a journey like all of us. I've written words, they remain, long after the person is gone, words are more permanent in history.  What about me threatens you? Why can you not look me in the eye and talk. I never wanted to hurt you. Your happiness was most important to me. You've come to hold my hand at a time when I least expected it. I didn't w