The Back-Stabber

Oh yes you all know of them don’t you?, once in a while you come across someone who you believe is your friend and the next thing you know that person’s run away with your guy/girl, has been your best buddy yet bitching behind your back or spreading rumors about you at work!

I wonder how people like these live lives without their conscious killing them. I honestly wish their conscious kills them and I mean literally ‘kill them’! When you have a fish like this in the pond poisoning the others what do you do?

I know you’ll read this ‘back stabber’ and this is my chance to let you know, you’ve tried everything, every possible dirty trick of the book and nothing has worked on me. Do you know why? The answer is simple and has always been in front of you; I am a better person. I am the best and you know it!

So go one be as jealous as you possibly can, get green with envy…. Go talking behind my back as much as you want, spread as mean rumors as you want about me, side with others and stand up to me. Be the worst leech you possibly can. Just remember one thing on your way to all this nastiness, I haven’t earned respect by stamping on others, I am loved because I chose not to be selfish. I am a leader because I am compassionate. I stand up to support my friends not to question or doubt them. 

If you had any of these things in you, you need not be envious of me. But since you don’t I shall rub it in, even if you are reborn a thousand times as who you are, you will never be loved, coz you cannot love without conditions, even if you try to put me down in a thousand words you’ll never be respected coz you cannot take criticism. You can never reach up to me even with your head high up in the sky coz you cannot bend down to accommodate others. You can never succeed coz you do not know how to take failure. You can never have true friends coz you stab them in the back. I wish you all the best for the darkness you are doomed to. 


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